Get the right level of support for all your bioinformatics needs The Virtual Bioinformatics Core is our standard service designed for academic researchers and companies with ongoing or recurring bioinformatics requirements. The service provides you with access to dedicated full-time equivalents (FTEs) from our team of PhD-level bioinformaticians for as long as you need. This service has been developed based on our experience providing bioinformatics support to academic and private organizations. How does it work? We allocate an agreed amount of FTEs to you, ranging from 0.25 to multiple FTEs. You will have: A virtual core manager who helps you prioritize and schedule projects and assigns individual projects to our bioinformaticians. One or more project managers responsible for analysis, scientific communication, and reporting.- Additional support from our team of experienced bioinformaticians. Our service is tailored for scientists seeking easy access to the right kind of bioinformatics expertise. Watch the video to see how it works.
Data Analysis
The project manager will design analysis workflows based on your needs, using pre-made pipelines or building custom pipelines with publicly available standard analysis tools. The workflows primarily utilize bash/R/Python languages ...
Computation occurs on our secure high-performance computing cluster at no extra cost. Built from industry-grade servers, the cluster is optimized for heavy genomic computing and includes a wide range of ...
Effective communication is our top priority. The project manager will organize regular video calls with your team to present and explain the latest results and plan the next steps in ...
Scientific Writing
At the end of an analysis project, we can provide a publication-style report with all key results and method descriptions, including appropriate citations. Alternatively, if you have a manuscript in ...
Publication Support
If you aim to publish your findings in a scientific journal, the project manager will assist with publication-related tasks such as refining figures and tables according to journal guidelines, reviewing ...
Code Delivery & Training
We can also transfer bioinformatics knowledge back to your group. The project manager can share analysis scripts with your team members and provide instructions on their use. Please note that ...
We can help you design your future projects from a bioinformatics perspective. Our expertise includes sequencing methods, technical parameters (e.g., numbers of replicates, sequencing depth), required analysis methods, and budgeting. ...
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