Our research activities
About Research
The group of researchers that constitutes IMMUNOMICA intends to enhance and place on the market two analytical platforms dedicated to precision medicine in oncology which encompass a set of protocols, procedures and skills that have been developed over the years in the field of early diagnosis and immunological characterization and tumor genetics for the identification of response markers to immunological and target-based agent therapies. The essential feature of IMMUNOMICA is that of a multidisciplinary analytical approach that integrates expertise in oncology, immunology, molecular biology/biochemistry, bioinformatics and systems biology for the advancement and application of Precision Oncology. IMMUNOMICA sees the convergence of experiences, innovative protocols and cutting-edge methodologies developed over the years by the research groups of Prof. Michele Ceccarelli (Full Professor of the University of Naples "Federico II" in the field of Bioinformatics and Big Data in Oncology), by Prof. Davide Bedognetti (Associate Prof. Univ. of Genoa and Director of the Cancer Research Department, Sidra Medicine, Doha, Qatar) in the field of Immuno-Oncology, by Prof. Michele Caraglia (Full Prof. Univ. Degli Studi della Campania " L. Vanvitelli") in the field of Oncology and Molecular Diagnostics and Precision Medicine and Dr. Pier Vitale Nuzzo (Scientist at Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard University) in the field of Epigenetics and early diagnosis of tumors and integrates with the he clinical experience of Prof. Gabriele Zoppoli (IRCCS Medical Director of the Policlinico San Martino of Genoa and Researcher at the University of Genoa), in the field of Internal Medicine and Clinical Oncology and Mo lecular, and finally by Prof. Antonio Iavarone (Prof. Professor at the Institute for Cancer Genetics, Columbia University NY USA) in the field of Precision Medicine and treatment of brain tumors, and in the field of the development of innovative immunotherapies and response predictive factors of Prof. Francesco Marincola
IMMUNOMICA sees the convergence of experiences, innovative protocols and cutting-edge methodologies developed over the years by the research groups of Prof. Michele Ceccarelli (Full Professor of the University of Naples "Federico II" in the field of Bioinformatics and Big Data in Oncology), by Prof. Davide Bedognetti (Associate Prof. Univ. of Genoa and Director of the Cancer Research Department, Sidra Medicine, Doha, Qatar) in the field of Immuno-Oncology, by Prof. Michele Caraglia (Full Prof. Univ. Degli Studi della Campania " L. Vanvitelli") in the field of Oncology and Molecular Diagnostics and Precision Medicine and Dr. Pier Vitale Nuzzo (Scientist at Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard University) in the field of Epigenetics and early diagnosis of tumors and integrates with the he clinical experience of Prof. Gabriele Zoppoli (IRCCS Medical Director of the Policlinico San Martino of Genoa and Researcher at the University of Genoa), in the field of Internal Medicine and Clinical Oncology and Mo lecular, and finally by Prof. Antonio Iavarone (Prof. Professor at the Institute for Cancer Genetics, Columbia University NY USA) in the field of Precision Medicine and treatment of brain tumors, and in the field of the development of innovative immunotherapies and response predictive factors of Prof. Francesco Marinco
Linea ONCO-ND1
ONCO-ND1 Platform: Immunological characterization of tumor samples for the identification of markers for response to immunotherapies. ONCO-ND1 line. As for the ONCO-ND1 line, the use of immune checkpoint inhibitors has ...
Platform FateAI
Platform FateAI: Development of DNA methylation-based tests for early diagnosis and prognostic definition of tumor lesions from liquid biopsy. The FateAI E Line is designed for the early identification and ...
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